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Cook.app is a premium domain name for sale. Please complete the form below with your inquiry.

all payments and domain transfers are handled securely by a third-party escrow service.

dot App is a premium domain name for sale.

Who is using .app?

Companies with SaaS and web app products and services
Developers of native iOS and Google Play apps, and other app platforms

Companies using .app

Thousands of companies are using a .app name, from large SaaS and native app businesses to independent app developers - .app is the most meaningful domain to brand a native or web app.

Secure payments and transfer

Spread payments over several months with secure payment plans - contact us for more information.


Buyer protection using a third-party escrow


Quick and easy domain transfers


Spread payments over several months

To find out more about buyer protection payment options Contact us


The marketplace for premium .app domain names

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